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Protect Security Services

Configuration Review

Configuration review entails a meticulous examination of the settings and configurations of various components within a system or application to ensure they align with established security standards, guidelines, and organizational policies. Security professionals meticulously scrutinize parameters such as user access controls, network configurations, encryption protocols, and software settings to identify potential vulnerabilities or deviations from recommended practices. 

During the review process, experts delve deep into the intricacies of system configurations, assessing factors like patch management practices, adherence to security baselines, and the presence of unnecessary or outdated services. They meticulously analyze each aspect of the configuration to pinpoint weaknesses that could potentially expose the organization to security risks or unauthorized access. 

The primary objective of configuration review is to validate the robustness of the system or application configurations, ensuring they adhere to industry best practices and regulatory requirements. By identifying and rectifying configuration issues proactively, organizations can fortify their defenses against cyber threats and minimize the likelihood of security breaches or data compromises. 

O365 and AAD configuration review is a thorough evaluation of the settings and configurations within Microsoft Office 365 (O365) and Azure Active Directory (AAD) environments. The primary objective of this assessment is to meticulously examine and optimize the settings to ensure they align with industry-leading security standards, regulatory requirements, and organizational policies, thereby bolstering the overall security posture. 

This review entails a meticulous examination of various facets, including but not limited to user access controls, authentication protocols, data encryption mechanisms, device management policies, and network configurations. Security professionals delve deep into the configuration settings across a spectrum of O365 and AAD services, such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, Azure AD, and associated services. 

The comprehensive assessment aims to uncover any misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, or deviations from recommended security practices that could potentially compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of organizational data. By identifying and rectifying these issues, organizations can fortify their defenses, mitigate security risks, and safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access or breaches. 

Furthermore, the review process includes an analysis of security controls’ effectiveness, identification of configuration management gaps, and provision of actionable recommendations for remediation. This proactive approach empowers organizations to enhance their cloud-based productivity and identity management solutions, ensuring they remain resilient against evolving cyber threats while maintaining compliance with industry regulations. 

A Backup solution configuration review entails a comprehensive evaluation aimed at assessing the setup, configurations, and overall functionality of a backup solution deployed within an organization. The primary goal is to ensure that the backup system is properly configured to meet the organization’s data protection requirements, regulatory obligations, and continuity objectives. 

During this assessment, cybersecurity professionals scrutinize various facets of the backup solution, including its policies, infrastructure, data encryption methods, access controls, testing procedures, compliance measures, and incident response capabilities. By conducting a meticulous review, organizations can pinpoint any misconfigurations, weaknesses, or deficiencies in their backup processes and systems. This enables them to proactively rectify issues, strengthen data protection measures, and bolster their ability to recover from data loss incidents or security breaches effectively. Ultimately, a thorough backup solution configuration review helps organizations optimize their backup systems to enhance efficiency, minimize downtime, and safeguard critical data assets. 

Cloud Solution Configuration Review is a comprehensive analysis of the configuration and functionalities of cloud solutions deployed within an organization. The main goal is to ensure that cloud environments are securely configured and optimally aligned with business requirements, compliance standards, and security best practices. 

During this process, security experts thoroughly examine various aspects of the cloud solution, including architecture, network configurations, access controls, identity management, encryption mechanisms, monitoring, and data storage practices. They review configuration settings and policies implemented in the cloud environment to identify any vulnerabilities, configuration errors, or security control gaps that may expose the organization to risks such as unauthorized access, data breaches, or service disruptions. 

Conducting a thorough analysis enables organizations to identify and address security weaknesses in their cloud defenses early, improve their security posture, and minimize potential threats to sensitive data and critical systems. This allows organizations to optimize their cloud environments for performance, reliability, and resilience while meeting regulatory requirements and industry standards. Ultimately, a robust cloud solution configuration analysis enables organizations to effectively and securely leverage cloud technologies to support their business objectives. 

Network Security Configuration Review entails a thorough evaluation of network configurations and security parameters within an enterprise environment. The primary objective of this process is to ensure the robustness of network configurations and the effectiveness of security measures, thereby safeguarding organizational assets against potential threats and ensuring the seamless operation of network infrastructure.   

Throughout the review process, seasoned security professionals meticulously analyze various components of the network, including firewalls, network devices, segmentation schemes, communication protocols, access controls, encryption protocols, and traffic monitoring mechanisms. This comprehensive assessment aims to identify any potential security vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, or weaknesses that may compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of network resources. 

The ultimate goal of the network security configuration review is to fortify the organization’s defense mechanisms against a wide array of cyber threats, including unauthorized access attempts, malicious intrusions, and data breaches. By aligning network configurations with industry best practices and security standards, organizations can enhance their resilience to cyber attacks, mitigate security risks, and uphold the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data assets. 

Engaging in a network security configuration review empowers organizations to proactively identify and address security gaps in their network infrastructure, thereby strengthening their overall security posture. This proactive approach enables organizations to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats, maintain regulatory compliance, and instill confidence in their stakeholders regarding the security of their network environment. 

Secure Architecture and Design Review

Secure Architecture and Design Review entails a comprehensive evaluation of the security facets inherent in the architecture and design of IT systems. This meticulous process involves a thorough examination of both proposed and existing systems to ascertain compliance with industry-leading security standards and regulatory mandates. 

Throughout the review process, seasoned security professionals delve into the intricate details of system architecture, scrutinizing security mechanisms, authentication protocols, privilege management systems, and data storage methodologies. By identifying potential vulnerabilities, design deficiencies, and exploitable weaknesses, they aim to fortify the system’s resilience against potential cyber threats. 

The ultimate objective of Secure Architecture and Design Review is to instill a robust security posture within IT systems right from their conceptualization phase. By embedding security principles into the architecture and design, organizations can proactively mitigate risks, safeguard sensitive data, and fortify their defenses against emerging cyber threats. 

Documentation/SOP/handbooks evaluation/analysis

Our Experts with cross-domain knowledge optimize cybersecurity documentation, SOPs, and handbooks for organizations. Having many years of experience in cybersecurity consulting industry, we understand the importance of robust documentation. During evaluation and analysis of your current framework, we identify gaps and inconsistencies. Recommendations are tailored to your needs, ensuring alignment with industry standards and regulations. With ongoing support, we help fortify your documentation, enhancing operational efficiency, mitigating risks, and ensuring compliance. Strengthen your cybersecurity posture with our comprehensive evaluation and analysis service! 

Consulting Sessions

Our consultancy offers exclusive access to seasoned cybersecurity professionals who deliver personalized advisory sessions tailored to fortify your digital defenses and align them with strategic business objectives. 

Throughout these consulting sessions, our adept advisors collaborate closely with your team to gain insights into your organization’s distinct cybersecurity requirements and hurdles. Drawing upon their wealth of expertise and industry experience, they provide targeted strategies and solutions to help identify, evaluate, and mitigate cyber risks effectively. 

Our consulting services encompass a wide array of areas, including: 

  • Comprehensive cyber risk assessments to identify and evaluate critical threats and vulnerabilities within your IT infrastructure. 
  • Strategic planning and roadmap development to craft bespoke strategies and action plans that align with your organizational objectives. 
  • Security architecture design and implementation guidance, covering both on-premises and cloud-based environments. 
  • Incident response planning and execution support to establish robust protocols for rapid detection, response, and recovery in the event of a security breach. 
  • Training and awareness initiatives aimed at enhancing your workforce’s understanding of cybersecurity risks and fostering a culture of security awareness. 
  • Our consulting offerings are flexible and tailored to your specific needs, providing support at every stage of your cybersecurity journey. With our seasoned professionals and personalized approach, you can confidently navigate the complexities of cyber threats and safeguard your assets and data against evolving security risks. 

Threat Hunting Activity

Our Threat Hunting Service is a proactive cybersecurity offering designed to fortify organizations against the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. Rooted in advanced analytics and expert-driven methodologies, our service empowers organizations to detect and neutralize potential threats before they manifest into full-blown security incidents.

At the heart of our Threat Hunting Service is the proactive identification and mitigation of hidden threats lurking within organizational networks. Our seasoned team of cybersecurity experts leverages cutting-edge tools and techniques to meticulously comb through vast volumes of data, seeking out anomalies, indicators of compromise (IoCs), and other subtle signs of malicious activity. 

By partnering with us for our Threat Hunting Service, organizations gain a proactive defense mechanism against emerging cyber threats, enabling them to stay one step ahead of adversaries and safeguard their critical assets and operations. With our expertise and advanced capabilities, organizations can navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape with confidence and resilience. 

Detect Security Services

Penetration Tests

Penetration testing is an attempt to assess the security of a computer system, application, network, or IT infrastructure by conducting controlled attacks that mirror those performed by real cybercriminals. During such a simulated attack, various techniques and tools commonly used by attackers are employed. Unlike real attacks, however, such tests are conducted under full control, meaning that any attack can be interrupted, modified, or repeated at any time. Additionally, both the client and the penetration testing team are in constant communication, allowing for the adjustment of tests to specific conditions, narrowing or expanding the scope of tests, providing ongoing information about identified vulnerabilities, as well as informing about the impact of the conducted testing actions on the tested environment or individual elements of the infrastructure. 

Internal and External Penetration Tests

We have two main types of tests: internal and external. 

In external tests, actions are conducted from the perspective of the attacker, who targets those elements of the infrastructure that are publicly accessible (e.g., from the Internet). 

In internal tests, actions are conducted from the perspective of the attacker who is within the client’s infrastructure (e.g., an employee, intern, or guest), or from the perspective of the attacker or “malicious” software that has managed to penetrate such infrastructure (e.g., a “malicious” program delivered to an employee as an attachment, which, upon execution, establishes a connection with the attacker, transferring control over the victim’s computer and allowing the attacker to access internal network). 

Both types of tests complement each other, although they focus on different sources of threats. 

Black-box, Gray-box and White-box Tests

During real attacks, attackers do not always have complete knowledge about the target. Sometimes they only have a small amount of information that they have managed to gather (e.g., using OSINT, leveraging various online services, or obtaining information from users through social engineering techniques). There are situations where attackers, besides the hostname or IP address, do not have any other information when initiating an attack. To reflect situations in which potential attackers have different levels of knowledge about the target, tests can be divided into three groups accordingly: 

  • black-box: where attackers have minimal knowledge about the target (usually only the target’s address) 
  • gray-box: where attackers have partial knowledge about the target (e.g., they have a user account allowing them to log in to the system) 
  • white-box: where attackers have full knowledge about the target (including the ability to analyze source code, service configurations, etc.). 

In the case of external tests, black-box tests are most commonly conducted, reflecting a scenario where the attacker initiates an attack on the infrastructure or service of a client without possessing initial knowledge. It’s only during the attack that they acquire further information enabling them to recognize the target, understand security measures in place, identify used technology, as well as determine potential vulnerabilities and possible attack vectors. 

External gray-box tests depict a scenario where a potential attacker, such as a malicious client of the company, utilizes its services available online. They have partial knowledge about the services or applications and can log in to them. However, their actions primarily aim to gain unauthorized access to other clients’ data, exploit services or applications for unethical or illegal purposes, or exploit application vulnerabilities to access the company’s internal infrastructure, including other services, systems, and data not publicly available. 

For internal tests, gray-box tests are most frequently conducted, where the testing team has partial knowledge about the target (e.g., they can log in to an internally available system or application). This reflects a situation where a malicious employee, already having some access to internal systems, attempts unauthorized actions or exploits vulnerabilities, potentially to elevate their privileges. Such tests often allow the detection of data exfiltration opportunities by employees. 

Internal black-box tests mirror a scenario where it’s assumed that a third party (outside the company, e.g., a guest) has the ability to connect to the company’s network or interact with a device connected to the network. They do not possess information about users, services, or applications. However, being inside the company or connected to the internal network, they can conduct appropriate scans, allowing the identification of networks, hosts, resources, and their potential vulnerabilities, ultimately leading to unauthorized access to systems or data that are not meant to be publicly accessible. 

Below is a list of the most popular services offered by CQURE along with a brief description. 

Internal Penetration Test is a simulated attack on the Client’s computer systems. The main purpose of the test is to indicate vulnerabilities within Windows Infrastructure and Active Directory and to support the system owner with the information allowing to translate technical findings into a valuable risk management input data. 

The test will be performed in a grey-box model which implies a partial knowledge about the system, and the auditor has privileges similar to those which standard users have. 

During this test, pentesters identify potential weaknesses, risks, and conduct penetration attempts, simulating the actions of a malicious insider or attacker from within the network. Pentesters have access to workstations, and sometimes selected services and applications, at the standard user level.  

Such tests allow for the identification and exploitation of vulnerabilities in various areas, including, but not limited to those related to Active Directory, network devices, system and service configurations, lack of appropriate network-level security measures, potential data exfiltration. 


This test consists of 3 phases: 

Phase 1: Reconnaissance: 

Auditor uses a variety of sources to learn as much as possible about the target business and how it operates, including: 

Domain name management/search services, Non-intrusive network scanning, Services recognition, Creating the network map, Used software recognition. 

 The activities in this phase are not easy to defend against. Information about an organization finds its way to the Internet via various routes. 

Phase 2: Scanning: 

The objective of this test is to ascertain the possibility for anyone who is a part of a trusted source to get into the network through the Internet and to determine how far he or she can get into if they gained access.  

Phase 3: Gaining Access: 

This phase starts once the scanning revealed active services and potential vulnerabilities have been identified with further tests. The next step is to exploit the potential vulnerabilities to gain access to the target defined in the scope of the test. The target can be a system, web service, network device, secured zone or server. 

The main elements focused on in black box external tests are reconnaissance, scanning, and ultimately gaining access to the tested systems or services. 

During the reconnaissance phase, pentesters utilize various sources to gather as much information as possible about the target, including details about the technology used, host and domain names, available services, as well as user and resource information. Most activities in this stage are passive, making detection of this phase of the attack difficult. 

The scanning phase allows for the identification of active hosts, open ports, available services, and their versions. Vulnerability scanning is also conducted during this phase. Based on the scan results and previously obtained information, pentesters determine possible attack vectors and prepare an appropriate strategy for further actions. 

The third phase involves gaining access to systems and services. In this phase, pentesters attempt to bypass existing security measures and exploit previously identified vulnerabilities, typically resulting in the acquisition of sensitive information or even unauthorized access to the tested systems. 

The purpose of the tests is to determine the vulnerabilities of services that websites expose to the external network. 

A typical web penetration test includes: 

  1. Information gathering and open-source intelligence
  2. Web application and hosting infrastructure services verification
  3. Security tests (described in offer template)

An application at the end of testing will be considered as insecure when any of the following situations happen: 

  1. Denial of Service,
  2. Modification of application’s data presented to legitimate users,
  3. Possible access to data owned by other portal users.

The primary objective of a web application penetration test is to comprehensively evaluate the security posture by simulating real-world attack scenarios targeted at web applications, employing a spectrum of typical techniques and tools utilized by malicious actors. These tests entail a multifaceted approach, delving beyond mere identification of vulnerabilities directly associated with the web application. They encompass a meticulous examination aimed at assessing the robustness of security mechanisms, scrutinizing for potential misconfigurations, and identifying weaknesses in the application’s defense mechanisms.

Depending on the nature of the test, seasoned penetration testers meticulously analyze the underlying technology stack, dissect the components employed, scrutinize the application’s logic, and meticulously assess available resources. Subsequently, they strive to unearth vulnerabilities that could potentially lead to unauthorized information disclosure, escalation of privileges, unauthorized tampering with data integrity, or illicit access to the system’s shell. This process is underpinned by adherence to industry best practices, rigorous methodologies, and ethical guidelines to ensure thoroughness, accuracy, and integrity throughout the assessment. 

The Web Services and REST API Services Penetration Test is a comprehensive security evaluation designed to assess the robustness of these services by emulating real-world attack scenarios utilizing standard methodologies and tools employed by malicious actors. Its primary objective is to identify and analyze potential vulnerabilities and threats associated with web services and REST API interfaces, enabling organizations to develop effective security strategies to mitigate risks effectively. Throughout this assessment, experienced testers meticulously examine interface functionalities, authentication mechanisms, access controls, data integrity, session management, and other critical security aspects pertinent to web services and REST APIs. Additionally, the evaluation encompasses an analysis of underlying infrastructure components and configurations to identify any potential security loopholes. The insights gained from this examination empower organizations to bolster the security posture of their web services and REST API implementations, ensuring robust protection against potential cyber threats. 

A Mobile Application Penetration Test is a comprehensive security assessment aimed at identifying vulnerabilities within mobile applications. This evaluation encompasses an in-depth analysis of both the front-end interface and the underlying backend systems with which the application interacts. 

Security professionals meticulously examine various aspects of the mobile app, including its user authentication mechanisms, session management practices, data transmission protocols, and storage methods. By simulating a variety of attack scenarios, such as reverse engineering, code tampering, and data interception, the test aims to evaluate the application’s resilience against real-world cyber threats. 

Moreover, the assessment delves into compliance with industry standards and best practices, ensuring that the mobile application adheres to stringent security guidelines. The ultimate objective is to fortify the application’s defenses, safeguard sensitive user data, and maintain the integrity of the software ecosystem. 

By proactively identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities, organizations can bolster their mobile app’s security posture, mitigate potential risks, and enhance trust among users. This process not only safeguards against data breaches and unauthorized access but also fosters a culture of security-conscious development practices within the organization. 

Native application penetration tests are a process aimed at assessing the security of applications developed for specific platforms, such as Windows. During these tests, security experts strive to uncover any security vulnerabilities in the application that could be exploited by unauthorized individuals to gain access to data or escalate privileges. 

Throughout these tests, specialists conduct various actions, including configuration analysis, user interface testing, and simulation of different attack scenarios. They may attempt to intercept and modify data transmitted between the application and the server, bypass authentication and authorization mechanisms, analyze vulnerabilities related to device security, and verify compliance with security standards. 

The primary goal of these tests is to ensure that the application can withstand various types of attacks, thus safeguarding sensitive user data and providing users with a secure experience when using the application. 

Wi-Fi Penetration Tests are comprehensive assessments designed to evaluate the security posture of wireless networks. Through meticulous examination and simulated attacks, cybersecurity professionals employ advanced methodologies and tools to probe for vulnerabilities within the network infrastructure. These assessments encompass a thorough analysis of various components, including encryption protocols, access control mechanisms, network configurations, and device security. The overarching objective of Wi-Fi Penetration Tests is to identify potential weaknesses and security gaps, thereby empowering organizations to implement robust countermeasures and fortify their wireless environments against malicious exploits and unauthorized access. 

The Infrastructure Penetration Test is an extensive evaluation aimed at assessing the robustness of an organization’s entire IT infrastructure. This assessment entails a thorough examination of network architecture, system configurations, and application security measures to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. 

During the Infrastructure Penetration Test, seasoned cybersecurity professionals utilize advanced techniques and methodologies to simulate realistic cyber attacks. This involves conducting comprehensive scans of network assets, analyzing system configurations for misconfigurations, and actively probing for entry points that could be exploited by malicious actors. 

Furthermore, during the test specialized tools and frameworks are used to identify vulnerabilities across different layers of the infrastructure stack. These may include vulnerabilities in network protocols, operating systems, web applications, and third-party software components. 

The primary objective of the Infrastructure Penetration Test is to provide organizations with actionable insights into their security posture. By identifying and remedying vulnerabilities proactively, organizations can enhance their overall cybersecurity resilience and mitigate the risk of cyber threats. 

Additionally, the test helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards by ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive data and critical systems. 

Red Teaming

Red Teaming represents an advanced security assessment strategy designed to simulate sophisticated cyber threats aimed at an organization’s infrastructure, applications, or systems. This strategic approach involves conducting realistic attacks from both external and internal perspectives to uncover vulnerabilities in the defensive mechanisms of a company. 

In the realm of Red Teaming, a team of seasoned security experts, often referred to as the “red team”, operates akin to genuine threat actors. Leveraging an array of methodologies and tools, they execute intricate attacks on the organization’s infrastructure with the primary objective of identifying weaknesses, recognizing unforeseen threats, and assessing the efficacy of the organization’s security posture. 

Throughout the Red Teaming engagement, the team may employ tactics such as social engineering, phishing simulations, penetration testing, network reconnaissance, and application threat analysis to execute a diverse range of attacks. Following the assessment, a comprehensive report is compiled, detailing discovered security vulnerabilities, providing recommendations for fortifying defenses, and offering insights into the organization’s defensive capabilities. 

Red Teaming serves as a pivotal mechanism for organizations to gain deeper insights into their security posture, proactively address vulnerabilities, and bolster their resilience against sophisticated cyber threats. It is an indispensable practice for enterprises striving to elevate their security standards and mitigate the potential impact of cyber attacks. 

Purple Teaming

Purple Teaming represents an advanced cybersecurity assessment methodology that integrates elements of both Red Teaming and Blue Teaming approaches. It serves as a collaborative effort between offensive security specialists, known as the Red Team, and defensive security teams, referred to as the Blue Team. This strategic alliance aims to simulate sophisticated cyber threats and evaluate the efficacy of existing security measures and response strategies. 

Diverging from the solitary nature of Red Teaming and the defensive focus of Blue Teaming, Purple Teaming emphasizes cooperation and knowledge sharing between the two teams. Through this synergy, the Red Team imparts their offensive tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to the Blue Team, empowering them to fortify defenses and improve incident response capabilities. 

Throughout Purple Teaming engagements, the Red Team orchestrates simulated attacks while the Blue Team actively monitors, identifies, and responds to these orchestrated threats. This iterative process enables organizations to pinpoint weaknesses in their security posture, validate the functionality of security controls, and refine incident response protocols within a controlled environment. 

In essence, Purple Teaming fosters a collaborative environment conducive to enhancing overall cybersecurity resilience. By leveraging the expertise of both offensive and defensive specialists, organizations can bolster threat detection capabilities, streamline incident response workflows, and proactively address potential security vulnerabilities. 

Social Engineering Tests

Social Engineering Tests constitute a pivotal component of penetration testing strategies, focused on exploiting human vulnerabilities to acquire sensitive information, passwords, or unauthorized access to systems. Employing multifarious tactics, including phishing, vishing, smshing, and QR code-based attacks (commonly known as quishing), these assessments target the human element, recognizing it as the weakest link in the security framework. 

Phishing entails the dissemination of deceptive emails, forum posts, or messages via communication platforms, enticing recipients to interact with malicious links or disclose confidential data like passwords or financial credentials. Vishing employs voice manipulation techniques during telephonic conversations to dupe individuals into revealing sensitive information. Similarly, smshing involves the use of text messages to deceive recipients into divulging personal or financial details. QR code-based attacks, or quishing, exploit the trust associated with QR codes by directing victims to malicious websites or applications upon scanning. 

The efficacy of these methodologies lies in exploiting human psychology and trust, transcending technological barriers to infiltrate organizations’ security perimeters. Despite the sophistication of modern security solutions, individuals remain susceptible to social engineering tactics, underscoring the critical importance of regular testing and comprehensive security awareness training initiatives. By proactively addressing these vulnerabilities, organizations can fortify their defenses and mitigate the risks associated with social engineering attacks, safeguarding their sensitive data and preserving their reputation. 

Respond Security Services

Incident Response Service

Our Incident Response Service offers comprehensive support for organizations facing cybersecurity incidents, guiding them through the entire incident lifecycle from detection to resolution. Upon detection of a potential incident, our specialized response team swiftly intervenes to provide assistance. 

Upon receipt of a client’s report on a suspected incident, our team promptly assesses the situation and determines the appropriate response based on the incident’s severity and impact. Depending on the situation, we also analyze memory dumps, endeavor to recover crucial data, and attempt to identify the source of the attack. We also conduct meticulous analysis of system logs and employ digital forensics techniques to uncover evidence of malicious activity, ascertain the root cause of the incident, and identify the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by threat actors. 

Our experts meticulously evaluate the organization’s infrastructure and security controls to pinpoint vulnerabilities or weaknesses exploited during the incident. This entails scrutinizing the effectiveness of existing security measures and pinpointing areas ripe for enhancement. 

Upon identifying the incident’s scope, we advise immediate containment measures to halt the threat’s spread and mitigate potential damage. Following containment, our team suggests remedial actions for affected systems and advises on fortifying security measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. 

Our Incident Response Service empowers organizations to effectively navigate cybersecurity incidents, mitigating operational and reputational impacts while proactively enhancing security measures to avert future incidents. 

Computer Forensics

Our Computer Forensics Service is a key component of our Incident Response portfolio, meticulously crafted to empower organizations in managing cybersecurity incidents with precision and confidence. Tailored to meet the dynamic challenges of modern cybersecurity threats, our service combines cutting-edge forensic techniques with strategic analysis to deliver unparalleled insights and support. 

When a potential cybersecurity incident arises, our dedicated Incident Response team springs into action, initiating a swift and coordinated response. Concurrently, our seasoned Computer Forensics experts engage in a meticulous examination of digital evidence, leveraging state-of-the-art tools and methodologies to unearth critical insights and shed light on the incident’s origin and impact. 

Key components of our Computer Forensics Service include: 

  • Forensic Analysis and Reconstruction: Employing advanced forensic techniques, we meticulously analyze digital artifacts to reconstruct events, uncover malicious activities, and piece together the incident timeline. 
  • Root Cause Identification: Through thorough examination and analysis, we ascertain the root cause of the incident, providing clarity on the underlying vulnerabilities or security lapses that facilitated the breach. 
  • Strategic Remediation Guidance: Armed with actionable insights, we offer strategic recommendations and guidance to remediate affected systems, close security gaps, and bolster defenses against similar threats in the future. 
  • Comprehensive Documentation and Reporting: We document our forensic findings meticulously, compiling detailed reports that outline the forensic analysis process, key discoveries, and actionable recommendations for stakeholders and regulatory compliance purposes. 

By partnering with us for our Computer Forensics Service, organizations gain access to unparalleled expertise and support in navigating the complexities of cybersecurity incidents. With our assistance, they can respond swiftly, mitigate risks effectively, and fortify their cybersecurity posture for the challenges ahead.

How CQURE helped
companies stay safe

A global conglomerate in the chemical industry, was attacked by ransomware that encrypted their whole IT infrastructure and semi-paralyzed their operations. CQURE was deployed to recover their systems, but there was one problem. The decryptor wasn’t decrypting. CQURE needed to quickly think out of the box…

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We offer a wide range of services, including:

  • Custom Penetration Tests
  • Cybersecurity Consulting
  • Emergency Incident Response Support
  • Infrastructure Consulting
  • Academy, Seminars and Workshops
  • And more!

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