CQURE Team consists of highly talented Experts, who collectively have over 300 years of experience in the IT security field.
Our passion makes us hard workers, while our curiosity pushes us to solve difficult problems or to keep trying till we do. We are always tracking current threats. We proudly use our knowledge to make sure your infrastructure stays tight and secure.
CQURE Team is an elite group of award-winning professionals with security in mind and heart. We love what we do and deeply care about creating a supportive, ambitious work environment. Our Experts join us from various parts of the globe: together we can achieve greatness!
Tailor-made specifically for you and your team, our services are meticulously crafted, reflecting a deep understanding of your unique requirements, team dynamics, and business environment. Our approach ensures that our solutions align perfectly with your strategic objectives and needs.
We make sure our solutions and services are cost-effective, which leads to customer satisfaction and helps build strong, lasting partnerships.
By working with us, you benefit from the expertise of top-notch specialists who are constantly active in the cybersecurity industry – providing cybersecurity consulting, custom penetration tests and emergency incident response support.
Paula is a world-class Cybersecurity Expert with over 19 years of experience in the field. She is often a top-rated speaker at the world biggest conferences as her unique stage presence is always well-received among diverse audiences. To top it all, she has the access to the source code of Windows!
With over 300 years of collective experience in the cybersecurity field, no challenge is too big for our world-renowned Team! We are ready for you and we want to take the challenge.
We organize a variety of deep-dive courses, custom trainings and seminars on different levels of difficulty and specialization, from security noob to the seasoned expert.
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