/ Consulting

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We deeply care about our employees’ wellbeing and offer extra compensation packages to spend on hobbies, healthcare, lifestyle and entertainment.


Our currently available job openings can be found on our website and CQURE Linkedin profile.
You can discover it by visiting our “Careers” page and following our social media.

It depends on the position, however we try to keep it simple and concise – you can usually expect the following recruitment stages:

  • We contact you by phone to arrange the date of the first recruitment meeting.
  • During a video call or a live meeting, you meet the Team Manager and talk about the details of the role.
  • After a successful interview, you receive a recruitment task to complete.
  • If the task goes well, we set up another meeting, this time with the CEO.
  • Finally, you either receive an offer from us, or we thank you for taking part in the process.
Yes, the recruitment meeting can be fully remote.

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